
  • Kingsburg Joint Union HSD

    Board Policy

    Parent Involvement

    BP 6020


    The Board of Trustees recognizes that parents/guardians are their children’s first and most influential teachers and that sustained parent/guardian involvement in the education of their children contributes greatly to student achievement and a positive school environment. The Superintendent or designee shall consult with parents/guardians and family members in the development of meaningful opportunities for them to be involved in district and school activities at all grade levels; advisory, decision-making, and advocacy roles; and activities to support learning at home.


    (cf. 0420 – School Plans/Site Councils)

    (cf. 1220 – Citizen Advisory Committees)

    (cf. 1230 – School-Connected Organizations)

    (cf. 1240 – Volunteer Assistance)

    (cf. 1250 – Visitors/Outsiders)


    Parents/guardians shall be notified of their rights to be informed about and to participate in their children’s education and of the opportunities available to them to do so.

    (cf. 5020 – Parent Rights and Responsibilities)

    The district’s local control and accountability plan shall include goals and strategies for parent/guardian involvement, including district efforts to seek parent/guardian input in district and school site decision making and to promote parent/guardian participation in programs for English learners, foster youth, students eligible for free and reduced-price meals, and students with disabilities.  (Education Code 42238.02, 52060)

    (cf. 0460 – Local Control and Accountability Plan)

    The Superintendent or designee shall regularly evaluate and report to the Board on the effectiveness of the district’s parent/guardian and family engagement efforts, including, but not limited to, input from parents/guardians, family members, and school staff on the adequacy of involvement opportunities and on barriers that may inhibit participation.

    (cf. 0500 – Accountability)


    Non-Title I Schools

    The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement strategies applicable to each school that does not receive federal Title I funds to encourage the involvement and support of parents/guardians in the education of their children, including, but not limited to, strategies describing how the district and schools will address the purposes and goals described in Education Code 11502.  (Education Code 11504)

    Legal Reference:


    11500-11506 Programs to encourage parent involvement

    48985  Notices in languages other than English

    51101  Parent rights and responsibilities

    52060-52077  Local control and accountability plan

    54444.1-54444.2  Parent advisory councils, services to migrant children

    56190-56194  Community advisory committee, special education

    64001  Single plan for student achievement


    230.8  Time off to visit child’s school


    18275  Child care and development programs, parent involvement and education


    6311  State plan

    6312 Local educational agency plan

    6314 Schoolwide programs

    6318 Parent and family engagement

    6631 Teacher and school leader incentive program, purposes and definitions


    35.104  Definitions, auxiliary aids and services

    35.160  Communications


    Management Resources:


    Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy

    Family Engagement Framework:  A Tool for California School Districts, 2014


    Parental Involvement:  Title I, Part A, Non-Regulatory Guidance, April 23, 2004


    CSBA:  http://www.csba.org

    California Department of Education, Family, School, Community Partnerships:  http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/pf

    California Parent Center:  http://parent.sdsu.edu

    California State PTA:  http://www.capta.org

    National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education:  http://www.ncpie.org

    National PTA:  http://www.pta.org

    Parent Information and Resource Centers:  http://www.pirc-info.net

    Parents as Teachers National Center:  http://www.parentsasteachers.org

    U.S. Department of Education:  http://www.ed.gov


    Adopted:  March 12, 2018      Kingsburg, California


    Kingsburg Joint Union HSD

    Administrative Regulation

    Parent Involvement

    AR 6020


    District Strategies for Non-Title I Schools

    For each school that does not receive federal Title I funds, the Superintendent or designee shall, at a minimum:

    1. Engage parents/guardians positively in their children’s education by helping them develop skills to use at home that support their children’s academic efforts at school and their children’s development as responsible members of society (Education Code 11502, 11504)

    The Superintendent or designee may:

    Provide or make referrals to literacy training and/or parent education programs designed to improve the skills of parents/guardians and enhance their ability to support their children’s education

    a. Provide information, in parent handbooks and through other appropriate means, regarding academic expectations and resources to assist with the subject matter

    b. Provide parents/guardians with information about students’ class assignments and homework assignments


    1. Inform parents/guardians that they can directly affect the success of their children’s learning, by providing them with techniques and strategies that they may use to improve their children’s academic success and to assist their children in learning at home (Education Code 11502, 11504)

    The Superintendent or designee may:

    a. Provide parents/guardians with information regarding ways to create an effective study environment for their children at home and to encourage good study habits

    b. Encourage parents/guardians to monitor their children’s school attendance, homework completion, and television viewing

    c. Encourage parents/guardians to volunteer in their child’s classroom and to participate in school advisory committees


    1. Build consistent and effective communication between the home and school so that parents/guardians may know when and how to assist their children in support of classroom learning activities (Education Code 11502, 11504)

    The Superintendent or designee may:

    a. Ensure that teachers provide frequent reports to parents/guardians on their children’s progress and hold parent-teacher conferences at least once per year with parents/guardians of elementary school students

    b. Provide opportunities for parents/guardians to observe classroom activities and to volunteer in their child’s classroom

    c. Provide information about parent/guardian and family engagement opportunities through district, school, and/or class newsletters, the district’s web site, and other written or electronic communications

    d. To the extent practicable, provide notices and information to parents/guardians in a format and language they can understand

    e. Develop mechanisms to encourage parent/guardian input on district and school issues

    f. Identify barriers to parent/guardian and family participation in school activities, including parents/guardians and family members who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background

    g. Encourage greater parent/guardian participation by adjusting meeting schedules to accommodate parent/guardian needs and, to the extent practicable, by providing translation or interpreter services, transportation, and/or child care


    1. Train teachers and administrators to communicate effectively with parents/guardians (Education Code 11502, 11504)

    The Superintendent or designee may:

    a. Provide staff development to assist staff in strengthening two-way communications with parents/guardians, including parents/guardians who have limited English proficiency or limited literacy

    b. Invite input from parents/guardians regarding the content of staff development activities pertaining to home-school communications


    1. Integrate parent/guardian and family engagement programs into school plans for academic accountability

    The Superintendent or designee may:

    1. Include parent/guardian and family engagement strategies in school reform or school improvement initiatives

    2. Involve parents/guardians and family members in school planning processes



    approved:  March 12, 2018     Kingsburg, California